My sister and brother love sports. My sister, Gracie, raced for Ski Club Vail, which has a really strong ski program. She also plays soccer for Vail Valley Soccer Club. My brother, Christopher, loves to play hockey and lacrosse. I am pretty athletic. But if you ask me whether I’d rather spend a day skiing, playing soccer or singing, I’ll pick singing every time!
One of my dreams is to sing the national anthem at a Denver Bronco’s game. Friends ask me if the thought of all those people in the stadium is scary. It makes me more excited than scared. I love the thought of performing in front of thousands of people. And I know the Star Spangled Banner really well. So I’m not nervous when I sing it.
I’ve never sung in front of a huge crowd. So I can’t tell you that I won’t get butterflies in my stomach. But butterflies aren’t a big deal. They help to make me focus.